Friday, May 9, 2008


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Pass my road test video! How to pass your driving test. Passing your driver or motorcycle G2 road test study guide.
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Want to Pass Your Road Test on the First Try? Want to Stay Alive? Want to Stay Safe?THEN YOU NEED THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE COURSE EVER AND YOU CAN GET IT RIGHT HERE! CLICK HERE.....
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Hey New Driver! Getting ready to take your road test to get your license? Nervous? Oh yeah, we understand that feeling. Your hands are clammy, your heart is pounding and you’re crossing your fingers that you don’t pass out from fright when the tester climbs into your car and tells you to start your engine. Guess what? You have every right to be nervous because almost 50% of new drivers fail their first road test. Yep, I said HALF of the new drivers fail. What if I told you that I could help you pass your road test on the very first try, better than learning from a handbook or a driver’s ed class? Would you be interested? Of course you would! You’re no dummy and you WANT to pass that test the VERY FIRST TIME!

Get Your Study Guide & Free Quiz!
>" name=submit>

Do You Believe Your Driver’s License Test Should Be Easy?I Hope Your Answer is NO, Because Our Highway Death Toll Is Already Too High.So Just How Important IS Getting Your License?
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How Important Is It For You And Your Family To Stay Alive On The Road? I Will Teach You Common Mistakes That Most Motorists Make, How To Avoid Them And How To Protect Yourself And Your Family With Complete Risk Management Scenarios. Best Of All, Take A Virtual Walk Right Through The Road Test For Both Cars And Motorcycles!This Video Is Your Interactive Driving Instructor And Covers the FULL Scope Of What Will Happen During Your Road Test, As Well As Teach You How To Be An All-Round Confident Driver! GET READY TO PASS Is Designed To Make You Pass Your Test AND Stay Safe! You CAN DO THIS!

Knowledge & Safe Practice: Most Important Factors To Staying Alive On The Road
We've combined a team of experts totaling well over 20 years of experience among them to put together THEE MOST comprehensive driver educatoin program for YOU on the planet! This is the first interactive handbook of its kind and is getting great reviews from customers and press, we're doing what you can call... something 'positive' for the public for a change. Whether you are taking the road test for the first time, just got your G1, or have been driving for more than 10 years, this video course is going to be your best investment to make sure you are ready for the roads, and for your test.
Hosts Jim Kenzie (Automotive journalist for 20 years) & guests walk you through EXACTLY what the road test will cover, & help get you prepared to be a safe driver and or motorcycle rider. Going for your G2 or M2 examination with graduated licensing is nerve wrecking and can be difficult if you have not studied enough or do not have much experience on the road yet. Our program is designed to specifically educate you on best practices while driving, the proper and effective way to do all the tricky things drivers encounter daily, and.... of course... pass the road test with confidence! It's really not THAT hard if you have the right team educating and guiding you :)
"Behind The Road Tests" The Interactive Handbook that will make you pass!
I know you probably wish you could just avoid the test and not have to deal with the nerves, stress and anxiety you'll go through just before the big day... Don't worry we're also going to include some great bonus material today that will teach you to be calm, confident, and breeze through the day. Before you know it, YOU will be driving with more confidence than your friends and be safer too! Not to mention bragging rights that passing the test wasn't all that hard for you ;)
Don't be afraid to take your road test! After watching these videos you will be confident and know EVERYTHING there is to know! This is better than any handbook out there. I tend to wonder how well you can really learn when you simply 'read' about driving from a handbook? It's great for general knowledge and to look at pictures of signs and stick figure cars, but driving is a visual experience! How much can you really learn about instinct, reaction time, reflexes, unforeseen daily encounters with bad drivers etc. So we're taking the liberty to get you better prepared for your test and license in a real world, real scenario step by step recorded video format.
It's Time For You To Get Ready To PASS How? By following professional instructors as they perform the tasks you will be graded on!
Fast Learning - It's designed to MAKE YOU PASS, we don't just drive and ride around, we show you exactly what your examiner will be looking for, how to make yourself calm, and most importantly of course, how to drive or ride with confidence and safety in mind.
Driving or riding a motorcycle can be dangerous, learn how to deal with high risk situations. - We take you through various danger spots and how to avoid common mistakes which could end up in costly and deadly accidents. Learn how to properly do a road side stop, what to do and not to do at intersections, how to properly change lanes on the highway, and how to deal with other not so common danger zones.
Stop Failing your test! - If you've failed once or twice, chances are you're not a bad driver, you just lack a few key points and skills which this video is going to show you! The G2 exit test is a sequence of tasks you must perform within a certain point limit, most points are lost without the driver even knowing. Get this video and you'll know where not to go wrong next time, and finally PASS..... your...... test!
Road Ethics - Once you are a daily driver, there are many situations you will find yourself in where your instinct is going to take over your knowledge base. Learn proper road ethics for unforeseen situations and how to read other vehicles danger zones, your blind spots, precautions on motorcycle riding and why parking lots pose one of the greatest risks to drivers.
"This video shows you EVERYTHING that you get tested on! If you watch this & practice, YOU CAN'T FAIL!"
Informative, engaging & original program Real footage of car & motorcycle driving Understanding of all tasks you are graded on Professional instructors, hosted by auto journalist Made to get you ready for your road test
Watch on PC or burn on DVD and watch on your TV Learn emergency exorcizes Get BOTH videos to study better & pass easier No more memorizing a handbook Watch first hand - step by step how to pass

Our "No Questions Asked, No Hard Feelings Guarantee"
We are so confident with this product, that if for any reason you are notcompletely satisfied with your purchase, you can return it for a 100% refund within 8 weeks or 56 days of ordering. No questions asked, no guilt trips.You have absolutely NO RISK, other than not ordering and risking failing your road test!
Stop Procrastinating! We Will MAKE SURE You Are Ready!!!This program is the next best thing to having an experienced instructor driving with you. You are about to receive INSTANT access to our download area where both videos are waiting for you. Why both? So you can study even better! Uderstand the road from both a driver and a motorcyle riders point of view. Once downloaded, you can watch them over and over until you are confident! Or to make it even better - you can burn them to dvd and watch them on your TV!
The Most POWERFUL Drivers Course On The Planet!Most of these programs and driving schools cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, and while we COULD charge a lot more for this, we realize that we're not just unleashing another drivers education product on the market. In fact we're helping shape the future of licensing and keeping new drivers alive and confident with their day to day driving! If the whole world stopped and took this video course, we would see a drastic drop in death toll rates, and that 50% failure rate would definitely not be so high! So, we want to present this to you at a great price not just because we like you, but because we feel it is paramount that new drivers understand the seriousness and responsibility that comes with getting your license. After all it's not just about passing the test which you are about to do, it's about making sure you always arrive at your destination alive and well.
YOU CAN'T Risk Failing Your Test Or Never Knowing How To Drive Properly! Order The Program Today At Our Promo Price & have peace of mind!

All together this product is retailing at $354 Real footage of: Yes, please include both videos and my bonuses!YOU JUST SAVED YOURSELF $327! $354
When you order, you will also get these Christmas gifts courtesy of the GRTP team.
Bonus #1 51 Self Improvement eBooks $167 (32mb)This collection of eBooks is a very powerful tool in helping you become confident, how to calm down and not be stressed out. You’ll learn how to overcome anxiety, nervousness and fear. After reading this amazing collection of eBooks you will be a better person, on and off the road!
Bonus #2 Cool Audio MP3's! $47 (32mb)This audio collection is used by studios and media producers alike to add mood & emotion to their scenes. This is the best material around and it contains tracks to relax you and other tracks to get your adrenaline pumping! So burn them to a CD and pop it in your car just before your road test and you’ll be pumped up and bursting with confidence!
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Still not convinced? Check out the road test video trailer >>
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